Tuesday, 12 June 2012

My Baby's Progress

Aloha! Half of June has passed..half year is almost gone in year 2012. My baby is now 1.5 yrs old. He is very active and kind of smart too. Start can interact with him. So is getting better now comparatively to when he was much younger. Smart as in, he knows quite a few things and can understand as well. Educating kicks in now as he shows sign of temperamental behaviour. Still not letting him walks by himself as he runs all the time and trips most of the time too. I do not understand why he loves to run instead of walking slowly.

Yesterday, brought him to Toys R Us to play awhile then to Cold Storage to sit on the trolley and let him touch cold items at the fruits/vege section then carried him walked awhile before went for a short drive before back home. Just him and I. So far so good. Will do it again this week. Hopefully manageable. He finds balloon fascinating and best part is he recognizes quite a few things already. Give him 3 different kind of books, he can point dog and said it correctly. Now into balloon picture but he still cannot say the word yet. Outside on the go, he will point at things and make sound to let you know eventhough he does not say the word yet. But, when you said the word, he knows.

He picks up sayang gesture recently, he will sayang me all the time :) which is kinda fun :) He picks up yawning from daddy - yawn with sigh-ing sound! Next Monday will be jab day for him, hope doc visit is pleasant. Last visit he was a goodboy. I hope from now on he shows good behaviour during doc visit instead of kicking up a fuss and crying out loud.

People around me is getting pregnant. In fact, many people are pregnant this year either deliver by this year or next. I am so happy for them. Many are having girls :) God bless to everyone!