Monday, 14 November 2011

Motherhood - Bittersweet moments

Time really flies - me a young girl to teen to dating to marriage and now I am a mom :) In this latest achievement of mine, is where I discovered new adventure (experience) in life! I never handle or help my Sis in laws in baby caring before, so, at here I have to handle everything all by myself with the help of a maid of course. 1st month also known as confinement month, I had a confinement aunty with me. From there, I was taught a few things by aunty. I would look at how she attended to my boy so that I will know how to look after my own son when she no longer in service with me after a month. I can handle my son in all aspects except bathing and poo diaper changing time :) This was when maid came into view :) Caring a baby is not easy work neither short task. It is a life time commitment and responsibilities. I was in constant worry over my infant baby - because he was a colicky baby. Since, is our 1st child, everything seemed not right and inexperienced and without much helped or knowledged. I learnt all the tricks from my son's discomfort. Such as, apply medicated oil on tummy and give gripe water to reduce colic and indigestion, how much to feed, how many hours later for next feeding, burping is also important and never ever carry my baby when he is not sleeping so that he can use to being left alone in babycot plus is good to encourage sleep after each feeding for baby development and the list goes on n on...hehehe...

Another phobia would be when he suffered urine sickness. He was admitted for a week for tests and observations to be done. I cried on one of the tests, where a tube was inserted into his penis and when dye was poured through the tube for "x-ray" purpose to check whether his kidneys were all right. Both procedures I were not allowed in the room with my baby. This is for a reason - every mom will feel pain and heartache to watch one's baby crying in pain/discomfort. Even I was outside the room, I cried even before my son started to cry. When his crying started, I cried even heart was like ruptured in someway and I disliked the atmosphere where I didn't get to see what the nurses and doctor did on him. The feeling was like I needed to rescue him in whatever pain he was suffering then. But still, all these were for his health check and I had to endure the whole process. Thank God, the result was all right on him.

On the other hand, it is so much comforting and blessing to see my adorable son sleeping. When he sleeps, I see peace and tranquility in him. It somehow gives me security :) Believe it or not, I have a feeling my son and I have a special bond in between us. Meaning, he somehow can understand and read what I have in mind. A few occassions, when I needed him to be good as maid not around, somehow, he understood them. Like, no poo when alone with me - he really poo-ed when I had assistants around me such as hubby or dad, sleep through the night since 2 months old when maid left for good. Well, afterall he's a good boy who give not much trouble for his mommy.

BREASTFEEDING - oh why the caps? hehe..well, because is very important for hubby and i to breastfeed our son. We were afraid I would not have much breastmilk. Surprisingly, I had sufficient milk for my son. I fully breastfed my son for 2 months. I did not continue as I did not control my diet and my son is colicky - paediatrician advised me to avoid "cold food" so that my son would not be colicky that often. It was thrilling to see my breasmilk level up. Confinement lady would "order" milk from me to her desired ounces :) What she wanted, I gave :) Mostly, I would direct fed my son from my breasts. Pumped when my son was asleep or non feeding time. I even had to pump in the middle of the night!! Lazy once, I flooded my bed with my overflow milk!! Haha..When my son was admitted to the nursery for colic, I went to the nursery to pump milk for him. At there, once hubby got to join me at the nursing area. He helped me pumped. We were lucky to meet a kind nursery nurse who taught us how to massage and press for milk to avoid engorgement. I was always smilling when pumping milk at the nursery because was so nice to see I filled the bottles fast. I always needed 2 bottles at one go because pumping one, the other one will leak :) Breastfeeding is indeed an awesome experience!!

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